I’ve been lucky (probably because most of my sauna experiences have been at cedar grove!) to not encounter many sauna bros, but I too just have no time for that. thanks for featuring the sirens and introducing me to more fine sauna folk!

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I have so much respect for Jackie at Cedar Grove! Can’t wait to make the trek to Maine to see this magic in action!

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If you want a buddy for that trip... :)

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I enjoyed learning about Sauna Sirens-good going! And then almost fell of my chair while reading the SaunaBros Bingo card...I have two nice saunas of my own-so don't often use public ones,but I'm sure you all have encountered all sorts of goofy "performances" that will occur there! IYIYIYI...I try to stay calm, and have an open mind for all of the World' peculiarities-but I'm sure this stuff gets old...

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